This is a Historical Register of the Burials at St. Margaret's Roman Catholic Cemetery in Midland, Ontario, through to the end of 2016. For information on burials after that date – this current year – contact the Cemetery Board by phone or email.
Records show burials have taken place at St. Margaret's Cemetery since 1881, and the accuracy and wholeness of the documentation has varied greatly over a large time span, especially with regard to the burial of babies. There are two separate areas reserved for infants – mostly stillborn - or merely days old, which do not have many monuments. Details of most of these burials are unavailable.
This current listing has been compiled both from church records and by walking the cemetery and recording the monument information.
We hope it will be of use to anyone searching for a particular burial.
Recently the method for referring to the locations of the deceased in the cemetery was changed to make it easier to direct families to the grave of their loved ones and simplify the administration of the sites.
Section / Row / Grave
The middle road in the Cemetery divides it into TWO sections – EAST and WEST. Alongside this main road, some rows have a numbered marker as a guide. The OLD sections graves were numbered from West to East, starting with the numbers 1 – 9 for the West side ending at the center road, and 10 – 20 for the East side starting at the center road. For some reason, many rows were set out as A and B rows – TWO physical rows, with ONE number. This old system is being maintained for the time being.
The areas below the hill of the OLD sections are numbered from the center road starting with 1, and progressing out from the center road to the end of each row in a west or east direction.
The locator of E/34/12 then tells you the deceased is located on the East side of the Cemetery (closest to the park), the 34th row from the entrance, and the 12th grave from the center road.
Should you find any errors or omissions in the information presented on these web pages, please contact the Cemetery Board via their internet address and use the word "CORRECTIONS" in the subject line of the message. Please include the full name of the deceased and reference number in the message. Alternatively, you may visit the cemetery office in the basement of St. Margaret's Church - Monday to Thursday, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.